

2011 Scream Awards

I just got finished watching Spike TV's sixth annual Scream Awards, and there was some pretty good stuff going on. There was a killer circus themed set, a bunch of amazing costumes in the audience, some funny presenters, and of course - lots of awards. In case you missed it, here are the winners:

Hero Award: Robert Downey Jr.
Best Thriller: Limitless
Best Supporting Actor: Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones)
Breakout Male Performance: Joe Mangianello (True Blood)
Best Director: Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)
Ultimate Villain: Darth Vader
Best Sci-Fi Actor: Matt Smith (Dr. Who)
Best Comic Book Writer: Ed Brubaker
Comic-con Icon: June Foray
Best Horror Movie: Let Me In
Maverick: Nicholas Cage
Best Sci-Fi Movie: Super 8
Best TV Show: Game of Thrones
Most Memorable Mutilation: Scalped by Motorboat (Pirahna)
Ultimate Scream Award: Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, Part II
Best Fantasy Actor: Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter)
Best Villain: Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort, Harry Potter)
Most Anticipated Movie: Batman: Dark Knight Rises
Visionary: Peewee Herman. Yes, I said Peewee Herman.

It was interesting. Unfortunately, I'm out of the loop on "big things," so I haven't seen half the movies/tv shows that won. And even more unfortunately, the main reason I watched this (The Walking Dead) didn't win a damn thing. But oh well. It was cool seeing everything, and I enjoyed the trailers for some pretty neat looking movies coming up.

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